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The SSS Membership
Strategy, Sales, Success for The Sensitive Entrepreneur

I'm so excited to be able to provide this support for you!


I know from talking to you, that you would like coaching support but paying for 1:1 coaching at the moment feels a stretch. I get it completely and so I wanted to offer you something where you could still benefit from 1:1 coaching but in a slightly different way. 


Are you looking to achieve consistency in your business but you’re not sure how to get there?


You’ve downloaded the free guides, watched the free masterclasses and even spent money on support but the tasks you were told to do just left a bad taste in your mouth?


Yes, you want the consistent money coming through but you also want to achieve it by making a real difference in other people’s lives


You don’t want to feel salesy, icky or feeling like you have to do things which go against your values and who you are as a highly sensitive person!


I get it completely and I also know because you’re highly sensitive being given another step-by-step process isn’t going to cut it for you


You need depth


You need nourishment


You need the space to explore, navigate and peel back those layers to who you are at your core and how you can use your own gifts in your strategies and sales process so you can live your version of success. 















You won’t find this in another download


You will find it by having the right support from someone who knows what it’s like to be a highly sensitive person in business, is trained to ask the questions and supports you in navigating through your edges to find your answers so you can sign clients on repeat. 


Introducing The SSS Membership; Strategies, Sales, Success for the Sensitive Entrepreneur


This membership is full of everything I wish I’d had at the start of my business:


In this membership, you will receive:


  • 1 monthly coaching call. There will be 3 different times to ensure that you can attend one no matter your time zone. I will have only 3-4 people maximum on each call so that you can benefit from 1:1 support

  • coaching and mentoring support from me so you can get clear on your offers, your funnels (organic or structural), your messaging and your sales process so you can start to bring in consistent money to your business!

  • NLP coaching to support you with your mindset and energy behind the scenes. 

  • 1 piece of content to be reviewed each month, this can be a piece of content, blog post or promo post. 

  • A supportive FB group ONLY for those who have signed up so you can get support in between coaching sessions


The sessions will take place the first full week of each month, the next one will be:


Monday 3rd July at 1pm (UK time)

Wednesday 5th July at 7pm (UK time)

Friday 7th July at 1pm (UK time)


Once you sign up, you will be invited to join the FB group where you will find out more about the sessions and how to send your copy to me for reviewing. 




Kate x



The SSS Membership

Find your way to consistency

  • Monthly Coaching

    Every month
    Monthly Membership
    • Monthly Group Coaching Sessions
    • Support via FB group
    • 1 piece of content to be reviewed each month
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